Monthly Child Welfare Donations

Sorry: we no longer accepts regular donations through our online donations portal CAF. 

Now we've got used to it, we think it's better this way.  If you pay by bank standing order we don't have to pay even CAF's tiny fee on each month's donation – so we're laughing!  And you know that EVERY PENNY of your donation will be spent at NOTDEC Uganda, with no "leakage" in transaction fees. (The background to our decision is explained at the end.)

Here's what to do...

Please use the Enquiry Form in Child Sponsorship to tell us which fund (NOTDEC & Urgent OR Child Welfare) you wish to support and what you have in mind.  This helps get our records straight from the start. Please fill in the form as follows:

  • Choose "Other Monthly Donation", and write a message saying you'd like to make monthly donations of £X to your chosen Fund. 
  • If you prefer to work on paper, please include your full postal address for our records. 
  • Then use "Submit" to send your enquiry

Leave the rest to us at NOTDEC UK.  You can be sure we'll be in touch soon,

In a nutshell, we'll ask you to set up a Standing Order and, if appropriate, to fill in a Gift Aid Declaration — both can be done on-line or by post.


The Background

At first this wasn't our choice.

Our preious online portal (Virgin Money Giving - now closed) stopped accepting regular payments to subsidiary accounts. Though regular payments to the NOTDEC & Urgent Fund could continue, those to Child Welfare could not. But we found that donors were very happy to set up up a standing order instead. 

Over the months, the fees saved have mounted up.  And we thought that if this works for Child Welfare, "why not for all our Funds?"  The proof of the pudding is in the eating.  And it tastes pretty good to us!

Thank you for helping us make a difference.