Annah Muhindo

Annah Muhindo is NOTDEC Uganda's Accountant appointed in June 2017.

Annah manages all the funds needed to run NOTDEC Uganda:

  • keeping track of the cost of child welfare, health, education, and social work,
  • the development and maintenance of the Kabirizi buildings and estate,
  • the operation of the office, the farm, the on-site nursery and all NOTDEC vehicles,
  • and the payment of all NOTDEC Uganda staff. 

With over 150 children on- and off-site, and over 30 staff, this can be very challenging.

The start of each school term is particularly busy — and expensive — with the need to manage funds to pay schools fees for any school-age children living on-site and  for the large numbers of children now living with their wider families and so scatered in penny numbers in different schools here, there and everywhere.